How Email Subjects Impact Open Rate
Successful Email Marketing Campaigns rely heavily upon subject lines and open rates. Of course, the emails first have to land in people’s inboxes, but after that, strong subject lines are the gateway to healthy open rates.
Successful Email Marketing Campaigns rely heavily upon subject lines and open rates. Of course, the emails first have to land in people’s inboxes, but after that, strong subject lines are the gateway to healthy open rates.
Open rate is the measurement of how many people open an email. It sounds self-explanatory, but this metric is one of the most important tools for email marketers. If their email campaign is achieving dismal open rates then their hours of hard work are going to waste, and they are failing to reach their audience. This is why there is such a heavy emphasis on the importance of subject lines when it comes to open rates and email marketing as a whole.
A subject line has several purposes. The first is to entice and interest the audience enough that they want to read more. The second is to illuminate enough information that the email contains so that people understand the purpose of the email. A strong subject line can only go so far when it is misleading. That is why the first and second purposes of the subject line must work together. The third purpose of the subject line is to weed out spam emails. Spam subject lines often feature lots of exclamation marks, money signs, words in all caps, and text like “Act now” and “Free.”
As subject lines play such a crucial role in email open rates, people have dedicated themselves to researching and perfecting the art of writing subject lines. Here are some basic guidelines. First, keep your character count low. People enjoy subject lines that are sweet and short. Second, don’t give too much away up front. You ultimately want people to read the email, so don’t give it all away just yet. Lastly, be compelling. Sparking interest and curiosity is the key to getting people to open an email. All three guidelines combined is a surefire way to increase your email open rates but it’s easier said than done.
Writing snappy and effective subject lines is an art form that makes a huge difference in your email marketing efforts. Like any form of communication, it takes some time and practice to get the hang of things. With the help of our guidelines, your subject lines will stand out in an inbox and increase your campaign’s open rates.
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